Thursday, 19 May 2016

Most Effective Way to Diagnose and Overcome the Nagging Shoulder Pain: Arthroscopy

The medical experience and the facts say that almost 20% of the general population will have problem of their shoulder at least once in a lifetime, and as we get older the chances of severe damage are higher. If you have shoulder pain, usually the first line of management is pain killers and physiotherapy. But if physiotherapies and pain relief medications have failed to improve the shoulder pain, then it’s high time to look for an alternative.
Here we are going to describe what you need to know about the excruciating shoulder pain and the most effective remedy everybody is talking about.Even if you are not an athlete or a computer operator, you might consider looking at the most advanced techniques to overcome the shoulder pain.

Severity of Symptoms
People who are suffering from shoulder pain often describe the hurting as:
·         Disharmony of arm movement due to an accident;
·         Sudden occurrence of pain during lifting the arm or whilst doing bench press at the gym;
·         Sharp pain when the arm bone frequently pops out of the shoulder socket even after lesser physical activity;
·         Stiff joint tissues causing frozen shoulder;
·         Or the unwanted shoulder arthritis which limits the range of motion in the shoulder;
·         Tearing of the tendons inside the shoulder joint with aging.
The unbearable pain in your arms and joint area at the shoulder can be classified into different categories. And according to the modern science, the particular painful conditions can be sign of some severe medical condition.
Get Rid of the Pain with Surgery
The most common treatment procedures for various shoulder problems include:
·         Surgery for Fracture Repair
·         Arthroscopy or minimally invasive surgery
·         Shoulder Replacement
Fractures can be repaired by positioning the bones in place with help of some metalwork.
In patients suffering from arthritis, shoulder replacement is strongly recommended.
But, the most effective and safest method to overcome the shoulder pain is Arthroscopy. In earlier times, surgery on the shoulder joint involved long incision, cutting through a lot of muscles and prolonged recovery times. Advancements in technology has reduced the size of incision needed to operate and improved the design of surgical devices. Over the period of time, the method of shoulder repair has become minimally invasive. In vast majority of patients with shoulder pain, Arthroscopy in India is very effective.It is considered as a minimally invasive surgical treatment where tools are inserted into the shoulder joint through a very small incision and surgeons can diagnose and repair the problems to restore function and mobility of shoulder.

Effectiveness of Arthroscopy
Earlier reports suggested that the success rate for arthroscopy was approximately 70% to 90%. But, in the past few years, the chances of success rates are rising, and are close to 100%. Arthroscopy is the most trusted procedure for problems inside the joints, and the most frequently diagnosed joints needing arthroscopy are knee and shoulders.
Thanks to technology, surgeons don’t need to open the entire joint. A small camera named arthroscope, along with extremely thin surgical instruments,are inserted from two or more small incisionsinto the shoulder joint. Surgeons will inspect the problem and perform the surgery within an hour. The advantage of arthroscopy includes:
·         Lesser pain;
·         Lesser chances of complications;
·         Lesser risk of injury; and
·         Faster recovery

Whenever we undergo a surgical procedure, our body needs times to heal.However, with Arthroscopy, the repair time gets short and patients can get back to their regular activities within a shorter period. The chances of infection are almost equal to zero and the recovery time has also got shortened, and it’s the most effective way to overcome the shoulder pain with less complications. So what are you waiting for? Get your shoulder repaired before the excruciating pain affects your daily regime.

The most effective way to overcome the Shoulder Pain is Arthroscopy which is the advanced procedure to inspect, diagnose and repair joint problems with a small incision and assurance of faster recovery.
Joint Clinic is working in health field for giving right solution for their problems.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Looking For the Best Option for Shoulder Pain? Get Diagnosed with Arthroscopy

According to studies, at the age of 60 more than 23% of population feel the anatomy of shoulder gets damaged and can’t be controlled with medication. And, due to the changing lifestyle shoulder pain becomes more often in all age groups.
Even after taking pain killer medications you can’t move your arms to enjoy the day to day activities like swimming, playing or lifting objects then it means that the shoulder joint is either overused or injured.
Regardless of the age, arthroscopy has become the Best Option for Shoulder Pain, it is the advanced techniques that surgeon use to see inside your shoulder and find out the cause of pain.

Causes of Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is the most common discomfort that can be experienced at any point of life. Incorrect body posture, poorly organized movement at computer desks or misuse of joint muscles can cause the unbearable pain in the long run.
Minor injuries in the neck and shoulder tension can be treated with ice packs or painkillers. But, the devastating pain that can’t let you sleep on the side of the shoulder can be categorized in problems that need serious treatment. Such as:
·         Frozen Shoulder: It may occur during an injury and gets worse over time. The pain is described by patients as stiffness and inability to move shoulder to conduct daily activities that require lifting the arm.
·         Rotator Cuff Tear: It is the most common problem in adults and over 85% of the total patients underwent a surgery for a weaken shoulder belongs to this category. Overuse of tears or lack of blood supply can let you face discomfort in getting dressed or even combing your hair. It occurs mostly in people above 40 but extreme sports activities and traumatic injuries can torn the tendons in adults as well.
·         Shoulder Dislocation:  It is the most common injury caused by overstretched arms during sports activities, or during a fall or tackle. But if the dislocation is frequent and the patient is under 30 years old then Best Option for Shoulder Pain is surgery. There are a number of reasons behind the recurrent episodes of dislocation including ligament tears and stretched or injured ligaments.
·         Shoulder Impingement: Rather than injury or overused movements there is no obvious cause of impingement syndrome which can be described as the muscles of rotator cuff getting pinched causing stiffness and swelling. In early stages, the pain can be minimized with exercise, though even fitness experts suggest that surgery is the Best Option for Shoulder Pain diagnosed with impingement.

·         Shoulder Arthritis: Reported as the most common cause of pain and instability in shoulder, arthritis is the culprit that damages the muscles and tendons. The symptoms are pain, stiffness, limited range of motion and fatigue. Most likely it occurs in people over the age of 50 however torn rotator cuff often leads to tenderness in joints.

Joint Clinic  is doing all the efforts to come over from this problem. It is very useful for those who are suffering from Shoulder Related any kind of problem like,  Frozen shoulder pain treatment in india, Rotator Cuff tear in india and Shoulder arthroscopy in india.

Physical Rehab with Shoulder Arthroscopy
Change in lifestyle, frequent range of motion exercises and medication can mitigate the pain to some extent, however the Best Option for Shoulder Pain is Arthroscopy. It is a medical procedure which requires very small cuts on the shoulder to inspect and diagnose the cause of pain.
You can regain a good range of movement just with arthroscopy as the surgeon inserts a tiny camera to see inside the shoulder and take corrective measures including clearing of inflamed tissues, reattaching ligaments, repair of torn rotator cuffs and even shoulder replacement.
Symptoms of joints pain can be diagnosed and treated with Arthroscopy which is the Best Option for Shoulder Pain as it is a surgical treatment that requires small cuts and lesser operating time.
Joint Clinic is leading organization which is performing with best outputs from a very long period. In India, it has lots of facilities regarding Shoulder, Knee, Elbow, Ankle, Hip and Wrist.
More Detail –
                 1800 3000 8111

Monday, 2 May 2016


People play cricket in India at various levels of competition starting from schools to colleges to national and international levels. Injuries are common during cricket and especially common if adequate care is not taken. The commonest mistake is to ignore a small injury and to continue playing. This will aggravate a small problem to a bigger one, before one stops playing at competitive level. Shoulder injuries are very common among sports professionals and especially among cricket players. Injuries are the commonest reason people give up playing competitive sports. If you are looking to play competitive cricket or even for social entertainment, looking after your shoulders is important to avoid future damage.


Cricketers use their shoulder & Knee extensively during bowling and long distance throwing. Getting the basics of bowling and throwing is very important Knee Injury and Knee arthritis are some of the injuries. They can occur due to poor technique or inadequate exercises. In spite of best available care, international cricketers like Sachin Tendulkar, Sehwag, Dravid etc have sustained injuries and were successfully treated.

Muscle Imbalance

Imbalance in the knee muscles can lead to various injuries. Most people also make the mistake of only exercising the muscles in the front. This causes an imbalance between the muscles in the front and back of the Knee. On the long run, this imbalance can cause pain. It is very important to warm up adequately before playing and to stretch the muscles after playing. Joint Clinic is best for Knee Arthritis in India. Here all the treatment is done with best results. Meniscus tear Treatment in India is also done here.


Body posture is the key to avoid long term pains. Sitting posture while studying for students, while working on computers for professionals or even bike riding are all extremely important to avoid neck and shoulder problems. Down sloping of the shoulder blades is the commonest reason of shoulder pain among Tennis and Cricket players. Postural advice should be taken from your physiotherapist and regularly followed.

If in doubt, you must consult sports injury specialist.  But now with increasing technical advances and sports injury specialists available in the city, advanced sports injury care is a reality.


Sport is very great for health but it requires some precautions. If we do not take care about right thinks which is important to play, than it will create big problem in future. We all love to play but we all have to take care about the right posture and the techniques.